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iis 405 Error 발생시 처리 방법

아래와같이 IIS 에서  405 에러를 만났을때 난감하다,
특히나 당신이  ASP 개발자라던가,,   WINDOWS SERVER 계열만 했다던가 하면,,, 거의 못찾는다,, 
( IIS 에서는 ASP 는 기본적으로  적용 되어 있기 때문이다.  )
필자도 마찬가지고,   만약 IIS 에서 HTML 로 GET, POST 로 값을 넘겨야 할때.
혹은  PHP 등으로 값을 넘길대 아래 방법을 참고 해주기 바란다.


Add a script map for the extension. A script map associates a particular file type with a given script module. The web server runs the module on the given file and sends the output to the browser, instead of sending the file directly to the browser.

  1. Go to "Control Panel"-"Administrative Tools"-"Internet Information Services".
  2. Expand the tree to "COMPUTERNAME"-"Web Sites"-"Default Web Site".
  3. Right-click on "Default Web Site" and select "Properties". (Alternately, select "Default Web Site" and press Alt+Enter.)
  4. Select the "Home Directory" tab.
  5. Click the "Configuration" button.
  6. From the "Mappings" tab, select the "Add" button.
  7. Click the "Browse..." button, choose "Dynamic Link Libraries *.dll" from the "Files of Type" dropdown, and select c:\WINDOWS\System32\inetsrv\asp.dll.
  8. Type ".html" (without quotes) in the "Extension" box.
  9. Select the "Limit to:" radio button, and type in "GET, POST" (without quotes) in the box next to it.
  10. Click the "OK" button and close all the dialogs. (If the "OK" button is greyed out, then make sure all the entries are correct and try clicking in the file name box.)

See the screen shot below. You must adjust the above instructions to your particular OS, web site configuration, and file type. You can associate the file type with a different script engine besides asp.dll, which is the ASP 3.0 script engine. There is no need to give IWAM_COMPUTERNAME permission to the file, only IUSR_COMPUTERNAME needs NTFS read and execute permission.

Screen shot of IIS Script Mappings Configuration Panel

ㅎㅎ 위에 메뉴를 확인 하라..